How is HAE impacting your child?

The onset of hereditary angioedema (HAE) symptoms can occur at any age, but studies suggest symptoms may start to appear during childhood. If you’re living with HAE, or caring for someone with HAE, you know the condition can be:

  • Unpredictable
  • Debilitating
  • Life-threatening

Potentially fatal throat swells have been reported in patients as young as 3 years old. Young children may be at increased risk if a throat swell occurs, due to their airways being smaller.

Help your child find the right preventive treatment that matches their needs

Hereditary angioedema may change over time, so your child’s next attack may be nothing like their last. Knowing that your child’s symptoms can worsen as they get older, now may be a good time to consider using effective prevention—especially if they avoid activities that can trigger an HAE attack.

If they are avoiding certain activities, keep track of this information and bring it to their doctor. A preventive treatment can help manage future attacks.

TAKHZYRO is a preventive treatment option for your child that offers the possibility of fewer HAE attacks.

Use of TAKHZYRO in children 2 to <12 years old was supported by efficacy data from the 6.5-month study in people ≥12 years old and additional data that showed similar levels of TAKHZYRO were reached in the body for adults and children.

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